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Field of View in a Nutshell

Image Data

Promotes novel image data management and analysis solutions.

Camilo Guzmán

Imaging Expertise

Brings together ample expertise in different areas of imaging.


Connects researchers and students to foster new ideas and collaborations.



Oct 23, 2024
Presidentti Auditorium, BioCity, Turku

Field of View research program together with TBI organize the second Turku Imaging Day to strengthen and grow the imaging community in Turku. Turku Imaging Day will bring together researchers and students interested in imaging. The event will consist of excellent scientific talks about imaging, presentations from local imaging facilities, and flash talks and posters from early career researchers.  At the end of the day, there will be an evening networking event during which the winners of flash talk and poster competitions will be announced.

The program and information about the event can be found on the event page. 


Frontiers of Science seminar

Apr 4, 2024, at 12-13
Presidentti Auditorium, BioCity, Turku

In April, the Frontiers of Science (FoS) BioCity Turku seminar will be given by Professor Ricardo Henriques, Instituto Gulbenkian de Ciência, Portugal “Open Super-Resolution and AI technologies in the quest for nanoscale live-cell imaging”. Host: Associate Professor Guillaume Jaquemet . This FoS seminar will be Field of View’s contribution to the FoS spring series in 2024.


Dec 2023 – Jan 2024

The course is aimed at researchers within the Field of View Research Program, who seek tailored guidance and assistance in analysing and managing their image data. The course encompasses free-of-charge sessions with image data specialists from Turku BioImaging, who will provide for instance consultation, image data testing and quality assessment, suggestions for data management and analysis, assistance in open sharing of data, and if needed even complete in-house image data analysis of selected data samples. Accepted projects will take place during the first half of 2024, as agreed in each case. For  more information, contact  

Open Doors @ Turku BioImaging Office

Dec 20, 2023 14:00 — 16:00
Turku BioImaging Cozy Room, Biocity B-staircase, 2nd floor
Field of View invited everyone to an open-door Christmas event to stop by for coffee and to meet Turku BioImaging and Euro-BioImaging folks!

Field of view guest seminar

Nov 28, 2023, at 13:30-15:00
Osmo Järvi Hall, Medisiina C, Kiinamyllynkatu 10, Turku

Field of View and the International MSc Programme in Biomedical Imaging (BIMA) invited Professor Ludovic Galas from the University of Rouen, PRIMACEN, France to give a talk while he was visiting Erasmus partners at UTU & ÅAU. Hosted by Associate Professor Diana Toivola, Professor Galas presented a lecture “Tunneling NanoTubes (TNTs): emerging, side or main route for cell-to-cell communication?”, which was very well received and sparked many questions and a lively conversation among the audience. Professor Galas’s visit strengthened the international collaboration between universities, providing future exchange and research opportunities to our imaging master’s students and researchers. 

Frontiers of Science seminar

Oct 26, 2023, at 12-13
Presidentti Auditorium, BioCity, Turku

In October, the Frontiers of Science (FoS) BioCity Turku seminar was given by Professor Alpha Yap from the University of Queensland, Australia. The host, Associate Professor Guillaume Jacquemet, introduced Professor Alpha Yap, who then gave a fantastic talk about adherens junctions tissue mechanics and epithelial homeostasis. This FoS seminar was Field of View’s contribution to the FoS autumn series in 2023.


Oct 3, 2023
Osmo Järvi Hall, Medisiina C, Kiinamyllynkatu 10, Turku

Field of View research program together with TBI organized the first Turku Imaging Day to strengthen and grow the imaging community in Turku. The Turku Imaging Day took place during the celebrations of the 80th anniversary of the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Turku. Turku Imaging Day brought together more than 150 researchers and students interested in imaging, including university leadership, and received very positive feedback. The event consisted of excellent scientific talks about imaging, presentations from local imaging facilities, and flash talks and posters from early career researchers. The event also had company sponsors, and Euro-BioImaging was also a central sponsor and collaborator for the event. At the end of the day, there was an evening networking event during which the winners of flash talk and poster competitions were announced. We are planning to have this event annually.

The program and information about the event can be found at the event page. The news about the first Turku Imaging Day is here.


Mar 29, 2023 at 14:10 — 16:10
BioCity, Biologi Auditorium

Field of View organized a new type of workshop, together with TBI, Cell Imaging and Cytometry Core from Turku Bioscience, Medisiina Imaging Centre, Turku Screening Unit, and Laboratory of Industrial Physics. The workshop covered the entire imaging workflow from acquisition to analysis, focusing on available services and good practices. The event received a lot of positive feedback and was noticed also outside Turku as something important and worth doing more and more in the future. We plan to do the workshop again next year.

“IN THE SPOTLIGHT” grantees 2022

Field of View research program aims to promote public understanding and appreciation of science and thus, opened a grant call “In the spotlight” for science communications projects in 1.11.—2.12.2022.

The committee has now evaluated all the proposals and decided to award “In the spotlight” grant to five different projects that are aimed at highlighting ongoing research projects and raising public awareness of outstanding research teams.“In the spotlight” grantees are:

·     Mira Minkkinen, BSc; Faculty of Science and Engineering, Åbo Akademi University
·     Riku Klén, PhD, Assistant professor, Turku PET Centre, University of Turku
·     Francisco M. Acosta, PhD; Turku PET Centre, Turku University Hospital, University of Turku
·     Marie-Catherine Laisne, PhD student; Cell biologi, Åbo Akademi University
·     Laura Ekblad, MD, PhD; Turku PET Centre, Turku University Hospital, University of Turku

The grantees will have their science communications project produced by Multimedia producer Henok Karvonen from Life Science Pixel Lab during the spring 2023. We congratulate all the grantees and look forward to see the produced material next year! 

Field of View Kick Off Event

Nov 28, 2022 at 10:00 — 14:00
Visiting Center Joki, Cave Theatre

“In The Spotlight” grant call for science communications projects

Nov 1 — Dec 2, 2022
In the Spotlight focuses on diverse imaging approaches and the role of imaging in modern biomedical research. The grant is aimed at highlighting ongoing research projects and recently published work, as well as raising public awareness about outstanding researchers and research teams. All members of the research groups that are part of the Field of View research program are eligible to apply for the grant. Read more

Open Doors @ Turku BioImaging Office

Dec 13, 2022 14:00 — 16:00
Turku BioImaging Cozy Room, Biocity B-staircase, 2nd floor
Stop by for coffee and to meet Turku BioImaging and Euro-BioImaging folks at TBI office!

Meet Us

Pasi Kankaanpää
Pasi Kankaanpää, PhD

Head of Biological Imaging, Turku BioImaging

Tiina Saanijoki
Tiina Saanijoki, PhD

Head of Medical Imaging, Turku BioImaging

Sign up into Field of View program

If you would like to join the Field of View research program, please sign up by using this link:


Affiliated Research Groups

  • Courtney, Michael

    Turku Bioscience Centre, University of Turku – full member

  • Eskelinen, Eeva-Liisa

    Institute of Biomedicine, University of Turku – associate member

  • Eriksson, John

    Cell Biology, Åbo Akademi University & Turku Bioscience Centre & Euro-BioImaging ERIC – associate member

  • Grönroos, Tove

    Turku PET Centre, University of Turku – full member

  • Helin, Jatta

    Turku PET Centre, University of Turku – full member

  • Hänninen, Pekka

    Faculty of Medicine, University of Turku – full member

  • Ivaska, Johanna

    Cell Adhesion and Cancer Lab, Turku Bioscience Centre, University of Turku – associate member

  • Jacquemet, Guillaume

    Cell Migration Lab, Cell Biology, Åbo Akademi University – full member

  • Joutsa, Juho

    Clinical Neurosciences, University of Turku, full member

  • Kaasinen, Valtteri

    Clinical Neurosciences, University of Turku, full member

  • Klén, Riku

    Instrumentation and Image Processing, Turku PET Centre, University of Turku – associate member

  • Lopez-Picon, Francisco

    Turku PET Centre, University of Turku – full member

  • Mattila, Pieta

    Lymphocyte Activation Lab, Institute of Biomedicine, University of Turku – associate member

  • Merisaari, Harri
  • FinnBrain Birth Cohort Study, Turku Brain and Mind Centre, University of Turku – full member

  • Rinne, Juha

    Turku PET Centre, University of Turku – full member

  • Roivainen, Anne

    Turku PET Center & Turku Centre for Disease modeling,
    University of Turku – associate member

  • Ruusuvuori, Pekka

    Institute of Biomedicine, University of Turku – full member

  • Subasi, Abdulhamit

    Institute of Biomedicine, University of Turku – full member

  • Taimen, Pekka

    Institute of Biomedicine, University of Turku – associate member

  • Teuho, Jarmo

    Turku PET Centre, University of Turku and Turku University Hospital – full member

  • Toivola, Diana

    Epithelial Biology Lab, Cell Biology, Åbo Akademi – associate member

  • Tuulari, Jetro

    Department of Clinical Medicine, University of Turku – full member

  • Virtanen, Kirsi

    Human Brown Fat Research Group, Turku PET Centre, University of Turku – associate member

  • Gramolelli, SILVIA

    Viral Oncogenesis Research  Lab, Åbo Akademi University – associate member

  • Hämälistö, Saara

    Pathogenic Immune Cell Vesicles Lab, Institute of Biomedicine, University of Turku – associate member


Links & Useful Resources

Contact Us

Field of View Research Program Directors

Pasi Kankaanpää

Tiina Saanijoki

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Biocity Turku logo
Turku BioImaging logo
Åbo Akademi University
University of Turku