OMERO image data server established in Turku

Turku BioImaging in collaboration with the IT-services of the University of Turku have set up an OMERO server in Turku. OMERO ( is open source image data management software developed at the University of Dundee. OMERO contains tools for organizing, viewing and sharing multidimensional images, and also for analyzing them and preparing them for publication. After a period of test use, the server will be available for researchers in Turku and beyond.
“Setting up something like this isn’t particularly simple or quick, and we are fortunate to have a supporting IT service at the University of Turku that also understands our needs in the bioimaging community. This server has been much requested and long awaited by our research community, and now it’s available.” Explains Turku BioImaging Research Manager Pasi Kankaanpää.
The capacity of the server is initially 30 TB, and it can be increased according to need. Current test users include many of the imaging experts in Turku, as well as collaborators from Helsinki and Oulu. OMERO technology is widely used around the world.
“There is broad multidisciplinary interest towards our OMERO server, which we hope will not only help our researchers with their quickly growing data amounts, but also enable new collaborations. Next we aim to also further develop the Turku image analysis services.” Says Kankaanpää.
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