The 4th BioImage Informatics Finland Network Symposium

May 22-23, 2025│Seili island, Turku Archipelago, Finland

The 4th BioImage Informatics Finland Network (BIIF) symposium brings together students, researchers, and facility personnel working on image analysis or data management to discuss the latest developments and prospects in the bioimage informatics field.

The symposium will feature talks from both early-career researchers and leading experts in the field. The topics will range from the methods, software and DL/AI solutions in bioimage analysis to image analysis services and image data management. The symposium is open to international participants.


  • An exciting scientific program as well as a social program
  • Great networking opportunity at the peaceful Seili island in the Turku archipelago
  • Perfect event to get to know the bioimage analysis community and establish new collaborations

Tentative program

10:30 – 12:15 Transportation from Turku to Seili

12:30 – 13:30 Arrival and lunch

13:30 – 15:00 Session 1

15:00 – 15:30 Coffee break

15:30 – 17:00 Session 2

17:00 – 18:00 Accommodation

18:00 – 19:00 Group dinner

20:00 – 22:00 Sauna

08:00 – 09:00 Breakfast

09:00 – 10:15 Session 3

10:15 – 10:30 Coffee break

10:30 – 11:30 Session 4

11:30 – 12:30 Lunch and departure

13:00 – 14:45 Transportation from Seili to Turku

Confirmed Speakers

Guillaume Jacquemet, Åbo Akademi University, Finland

Junel Solis, Turku BioImaging, Åbo Akademi University, Finland 

Pekka Ruusuvuori, University of Turku, Finland

Lassi Paavolainen, FIMM, University of Helsinki, Finland

Elnaz Fazeli, Biomedicum Imaging Unit, University of Helsinki, Finland

Ilya Belevich, Electron Microscopy Unit, University of Helsinki, Finland

Keynote Speakers:

Nataša Sladoje, Centre for Image Analysis, Uppsala University, Uppsala, Sweden

Joel Lüthi, BioVisionCenter, University of Zurich, Switzerland

Abstract & Registration

BIIF2025 symposium invites participants from Finland and abroad to submit abstracts presented as oral presentations. The program will be filled with selected talks from submitted abstracts, so we encourage all participants to submit your topic as early as possible.  

  • Abstract submission deadline: 28 March 2025
  • Notification of acceptance: 8 April 2025 
  • Registration deadline: 25 April 2025

Abstract submission guidelines:

  • List all author’s names (the presenter´s name should be underlined)
  • Affiliations should contain institution, city, and country
  • Body text limited to 300 words, font size 12
  • Word or PDF document
  • Document Title: “BIIF2025_Abstarct_LastnameFirstname”

Please, submit your abstracts via email to by 28 March 2025.

Register via the online form below by 25 April 2025:

The registration fee is 50€ for academic participants.

Non-academic & industry participants, please contact Irina Belaia,, for registration instructions.

The registration fee covers accommodation (in rooms for 2-3), all meals, and transportation from Turku to Seili island and back. As the number of places is limited (maximum 70 participants), early registration is advised.


Seili island, Turku archipelago – a perfect setting for scientific discussions and networking! Participants will have an opportunity to get to know the island’s history, nature and enjoy local food and sauna. More info about the place:

Photos: Visit Seili


How to travel to Seili?

We will organize a cruise from Turku to Seili (May 22, 2025), and back from Seili to Turku (May 23, 2025). 

DAY 1, Thursday, 22 May, 2025

10:30 Departure from Turku, M/s Norrskär, Läntinen Rantakatu 37

12:15 Arrival at Seili


DAY 2, Friday, 23 May, 2025

13:00 Departure from Seili, M/s Norrskär

14:45 Arrival at Turku, Läntinen Rantakatu 37


In case you need to arrive at Seili later or leave earlier, M/s Östern ferry operates daily between Nauvo – Seili. Please, check the schedule and the details here. Between Turku and Nauvo there is a bus connection (bus 901, 903) operated by Seutu+


NOTE! Other than the connection from Nauvo, there are no further ferry connections to Seili during the week.

How to travel to Turku?
  • Ferry: from Stockholm to Turku, daily connections operated by Viking Line, Tallink Siljafrom the Turku port it’s about a 2 km walk to the pier, or City bus 1
  • Airport: Turku International Airport, connections via Copenhagen, Stockholm, Riga, Gdansk (SAS, Air Baltic, Wizz Air). To the pier, you can use City bus 1. If you travel to Helsinki International Airport (Finnair), you can travel to Turku by train or bus.
  • Train: Trains operated by VR. From the train station it’s about a 1,5 km walk to the pier.
  • Bus: Long-distance buses operated by Matkahuolto; city buses operated by Föli. From the Turku bus station, it’s about 2 km from the pier. 

City bus 1 stops close to the pier, the stop is called ”Sairashuoneenpuisto”.

Check  five ways to travel sustainably in Turku



For any inquiries, please contact Irina Belaia,