BIMA in 2021 – new academic year starts and 100th graduate milestone reached
With September comes autumn, and its beautiful colors. Even more importantly, with September, our International Master’s Degree Programme in Biomedical Imaging (BIMA) starts for the new first year students.
This year we are welcoming 20 students from all around the world. The students came to Turku, Finland, to pursue their dreams in imaging. Despite the pandemic, BIMA has recently successfully passed its 10th year of existing, and reached one more huge milestone, which is the 100th graduate from this program. We would like to welcome our new students, and wish them all the luck in pursuing their degree, and achieving their goals and dreams, right here in Turku, with us !
Sadaf Fazeli is one of the recent BIMA graduates. What makes her graduation even more special is the fact that she is the 100th BIMA graduate! Because of this, we had a small interview with Sadaf, and asked her how she feels about her flattering title and the BIMA program in general.
Can you tell us something about yourself, and how do you feel being the 100th graduate?
“My name is Sadaf Fazeli, I come from Iran. I have graduated from the Bioimaging Masters Programme and I am currently working in an immunology lab. Also I am teacher tutor for University of Turku side for BIMA. I was very lucky to be the one hundredth graduate, and I feel very proud and honored to be a part of such an amazing programme. I am grateful even more that I have the opportunity to continue being part of the family, as a teacher tutor.”
How did you end up all the way in Finland?
“When I was five years old, I was watching a documentary about Nordic countries. When I heard that in some places they have 6 months periods of darkness my first thought was – “I would never be able to live there”. Twenty years later, here I am. Even though we have different academic backgrounds, I have decided to follow my sister, who also graduated from Biomedical Imaging few years ago. This proved to be a great decision, and I have no regrets making this life choice”
What are your thoughts on the Biomedical Imaging Master’s Programme?
“I think BIMA is such a great programme, mainly because it is so interdisciplinary. The program is constructed to welcome students with different backgrounds, and different interests. The biggest impact it had on me, was that it made me feel like I can do what was unknown before, and that was my biggest source of motivation. I believe that there is nothing similar when it comes to the freedom to tailor your future according to your interests. It helps one improve as a student, and as a person, providing so many different opportunities.
Very often you will hear students and alumni refer to the programme as “BIMA family”, and it is very fitting!”
For the end, is there anything you would like to say to our current and upcoming students?
“Yes, I would advise them to study hard, keep exploring and take vitamin D ! 🙂 “
We would like to thank Sadaf for this interview, and wish her all of the luck in her career.
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