Lecture: BioImage Analysis Basics and Ethics
Welcome to a special lecture: Basic Concepts of Bioimage Analysis Course by Pasi Kankaanpää organised by Turku Doctoral Programme in Molecular Medicine (TuDMM) and Finnish Euro-BioImaging Node. This course is a part of a longer three day course with hands-on. The people selected for the hands-on part have been personally informed.
The lecture will cover topics such as:
- Fundamentals of image analysis
- Quantitative microscopy workflow
- Available image analysis software
- Image analysis ethics: background and case studies
The lecture will be on Wednesday, 12th of June at 13:00-16:30 in Pharmacity 1 Auditorium. No registration required.
Schedule in more detail:
13:00-14:30 Part 1: Fundamentals and workflow
14:30-15:00 Intermission: coffee break
15:00-16:30 Part 2: Workflow, software, and ethics